Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Maya 2015

Finally Autodesk released Maya 2015. Oh why, oh why? I don't get the idea why they release every year a new version. Maya 2015 has a lot of very cool new stuff and I can't wait to use it in the studio (as a matter of fact it will take a while). And as I'm writing these lines I realize there are really exciting features what seem very useful in everyday work. Actually I changed my mind. First I wanted to criticize but I have to say Maya 2015 is a big release. Mainly I'm disappointed about Bifröst. As we can read here current implementation is rather an eye candy (or a toy).

Another thing that bothers me is SOuP. There is no sign that Autodesk would like to start some kind of co-operation with the SOuP guys despite at the Ideas of Maya Forum this topic is the hotest. And Bifröst seems not going to be a full procedural framework (quotation from the Jedi of SOuP). Furthermore having a texture deformer in Maya 2015 proves that they really don't think that proceduralism or SOuP should be the direction.

Maya 2015 User Guide - What's news

So what do you think?